FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10"This is the second-worst day of my life," I moaned, my voice echoing slightly against the cold, tile walls as above me, my boss relieved himself into the urinal. Just then, I saw
11just hang a hosepipe over a branch & turn on the tap. No! You need to make a calculation re. the extent of the rootball using this equation. First use pi to at least 10 decimal pla
11duvet cave and nested there. "Oi, behave," I said. "That's the sort of business that led to our mewling brood of mammelings." Just then my mother burst in with the Ministry of Mamm
12feet that were stained on the bottom with the toil of her grape stomping ancestors. Their laughter made them feel young and Shall kissed him on the ear and whispered that
12matriculating up the aevinista. Fagan was genuinely beangrafting now, his eyes winkly with fear. The mob shouted "Woolreacher! The cherlust must be brought to chustice!" Fagan spun