FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12The button felt fabric across his face as Jen's fingers pulled him through the hole. He felt himself falling to the floor as she tossed her blouse in a heap. The button thought
11The crazy ass band members would point at their own feet every few seconds so the crowd would get the point. When Mad Men Wear Shoes invited Ellie onstage she near flatlined. "OMG!
11in complimentary landscaping. Didn't I just hear the little missus say she'd like a flare garden? Moving to this planet means no more shoveling snow or potholes. This place can be
10With growing horror, I realize the corpse with the agonized look was the last dude to have sat on the pin. I need poison control, now! Oops, I speed dialed the Sean Hannity show...
11Dear Santa: I want the following. 1. An easy-bake oven where I can cook Tandoori chicken using a 100 watt bulb.