FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12He shifted from bull to bull with a total disregard for team chemistry. Now the Rodeo was coming up and he'd be bein' bucked by some stranger bull. Jim 'n' I tried to stop him from
10what a son of a peach she is, you're plum tuckered out before raisin any good points. Orange you? Of course you are. So kum, quat does it really matter in the end?
12a warlock from the old country, possessed of the notion that, even if he answered incorrectly, his consolation prize would consist of preservation in amber for millions of years.
10Maybe when I answered that Craig's List ad, "Hermit wanted: Decent Pay, Room and Board. Willing to relocate to Whale's Ruin Bay." I sat making circles with the sea shells.
10large green pipe. She dodged a turtle, waited for the man-eating plant to disappear back down the pipe, then she dove in and fell to the bottom; where she found her cell phone.