They call him the 'Child Whisperer'. What

  • They call him the 'Child Whisperer'. What he does isn't much different from horse whisperers, although Derek claims to be psychic. He also claims that Child Whispering is a skill
  • that anyone can learn but few will have the patience for. Child Whispering was a highly profitable skill to have, the practitioners being the most highly paid childcare workers in
  • the "Inside Voices" section of the yellow pages, just ahead of Librarian and Schizophrenic. In "Child Whisperer with Cesar Millan," he groomed the kids into "Little Caesars" by
  • forcing them to eat nutrient depleting, sheet-rock flavored pizza. Then the kids would be wearing toga's and carrying a spear. Then they'd get sent to Juvenile hall which was part
  • of the junior-high graduation ceremonies. As part of ancient Roman studies, a chicken-wire paper mache coliseum was erected and the 8th graders would preform gladiator reenactments
  • with remote controlled cockroach drawn carts. For Wyler Junior High's 50th anniversary the Chariot races were filmed by the Film Studies students. My Charioteer Huronimus Anticus
  • was reenacting probably the only chariot scene, when a jock stomped on my remote control cockroach. Wyler Jr High lost its mascot. She gloated at me, teeth brown from Coca-Cola.
  • Disgusted at her coke-brown teeth, I leaped onto the chariot as it passed. "Where do you think you're going?" she cried. "Back to Greece!" I shouted. "I think!" But she was already
  • headed for Antioch, so, close enough. I got out of the chariot and paid in my shiniest dinars, then I explored the town square to compose my street-vendor repast. Then to sleep, I
  • lay my head down to dream about tomorrow...tomorrow, the first day of the rest of my life. As I closed my eyes, I shut out the past, all the horrible memories, & especially...her.


  1. SlimWhitman Mar 23 2014 @ 06:58


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