The old ram stands looking down over rock

  • The old ram stands looking down over rock slides, stupidly triumphant. The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.
  • The ram seemed like it would leave them alone for now, but how would they get up the mountain. The man in black removed his terribly comfortable mask, grabbed some twigs, and made
  • a pair of makeshift boxer shorts that he hoped he wouldn't have to wear for long. "The things I get myself into..." thought J Cash. "I know how we can scale this cliff" said the wo
  • mbat, Johnny Cash's sidekick. "I learned how at marsupial camp when I was 5." J Cash watched Wombat scale the cliff with ease. But his mind was on who was riding up on the horizon.
  • That's because Johnny Cash had smoke a bloated doobie handed to him by the prison chef. Had it been dipped in something? PCP? No matter thought Cash, the wombat he was watching
  • Smelled it first. Mr. Wombat had listened to Johnny Cash's music growing up. Now they were good friends. Mr. Wombat had acted as his lawyer too.
  • Actually, Mr. Wombat had played Johnny Cash's lawyer in the movie "I Walk The Line". Mr. Wombat was not in any shape to be a real attorney, his small, furry body being too warm and
  • cold at the same time, leaving his would be clients reconsidering their legal options. Johnny Cash may have worked well with him, but others would rather draw the line than walk it
  • blindfolded, tied to 3 counts of murder and barskipping to boot. All you mistrust will find its way and you don't need to say it. All my clients are encouraged to ponder their lega
  • l rights by buying my book “Too Drunk to Choke My Chicken” on sale for $99. at K-Mart. If you’re in Superior Court, read Chapter 13 to the Judge, I guarantee you will be locked up!


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