And for the 57th pick of the NFL Draft, the

  • And for the 57th pick of the NFL Draft, the Saint Louis Rams pick
  • a random guy. The Rams figured that they were going to lose this season anyway. So they didn't even try drafting anyone with real talent.
  • They lost every game except one and that one game set new records.
  • The most impressive was probably the record for "highest death toll of any video game". I may have lost, but I survived, so I'll count that one as a win! Too bad the winner
  • Didn't get a chance to get a free shopping cart. I Didn't get a chance to win the lottery ticket too. I am using the same time as a result of the most important thing
  • that's happened all year. So you see, I have an excellent reason for not buying you a present. I didn't forget, and it wasn't for a lack of trying. Now will you please open the
  • bathroom door? I really have to go. No, I am serious, I'm about to wet my knickers. Open the pod bay bathroom doors, Hal. I'm sorry. I didn't know that you wanted a present, too.
  • "That is all you had to say Woab. The bathroom door is now unlocked", said HAL. Woab jumped into the unlocked bathroom and locked it. Idle chit chat ensued while we waited for her
  • to realized that she (Woab) forgot to memorize the detailed list of instructions regarding the proper and safe use of the space toilet. Meanwhile HAL "detected" a malfunction in th
  • e space sewer line. HAL was state-of-the-art & swiftly ruled out coincidence. He briefed Galactic Poop, who'd've court martialed Woab but for the smelly space debris raining down.


  1. Woab Dec 25 2017 @ 13:50

    I really should have used the bathroom before I read this.

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