I was being trapped inside a venus flytrap

  • I was being trapped inside a venus flytrap and there was no one to save me .Then, a bigfoot came to the spot, and open up the venus flytrap's mouth and saved me....................
  • Now everything has a relative scale as Alice will attest, so when I say a bigfoot, I mean he was big enough to pry open the carnivorous plants leaves enough for me to scramble out
  • and off into the bushes. Big foot kept the rear guard. best buds since childhood. Bigfoot and I were great at getting out of a pickle or getting pickles. Which we sat and ate in t
  • he pickle patch. Bigfoot sat on the ground, while I found a stone to perch upon. Crunch, crunch, crunch. Mm, pickles. I relished the time we spent together.
  • When Bigfoot brought home the bread, I melted like butter. "Oh Biggie, you're the one." And you know what they say about wild, hairy men with big feet.
  • Too bad his hairy hands were so tiny! But no matter. His Bigfoot passion more than made up for it. We got married later that year, even though Cheetah the Chimp advised us to wait
  • . On our wedding night, he gave me the greatest present any country man could give his country woman...his cock...or Peter, as he called him...the most beautiful rooster I ever saw
  • Peter cock-a-doodle-do'ed every morning we were married, the most soulful an alarm cock you could imagine. Unfortunately, our chanting parrot Ringo would
  • Complain Peter was disturbing his meditation practise with his guru, a parakeet in the same cage. John Cage found inspiration for his next masterpiece. It was untitled as yet.
  • Then he heard a voice in the vapor saying "the third apple" repeatedly. He never counted Eden because it was a different fruit. So that left Paris and Aurora. Which was 3rd?


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