Ned was nihilarian aquaintance and avid mungo

  • Ned was nihilarian aquaintance and avid mungo who haunted the NYC municipal dumps. He wore a floccinaucinihilipilificatious Finnimbrun around his neck, an selcouth mix of it items
  • designed to attract librarians. Namely, Emma. Unbeknownst to him, however, Emma suffered from hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia,which rendered his selcouth necklace useless.
  • The scary librarian from Ghost Busters showed up but just freaked him out. So far it had been from a success. The zoological department librarian at Swindon University sent
  • a shoebox of his collected toe nail clippings to the Scary Librarian from Ghostbusters, because, well, let's face it, he was totally
  • Obsessed with saving the uptown theatre from demolition.
  • John Ian Ivanjuan, the Space Frontier Psychiatrist, was consulted by the Bomb Squad. John Ian Ivanjuan noted that uptown could indicate a horror one felt their soul was about to do
  • the drugs. It was always embarrassing when a persons' inner self was caused by drugs and drugs alone.
  • Even worse when it's a placebo. My inner self was caused by a placebo known as Placebo Domingo, which makes me think I can sing. Placebo Domingo can be bought over-the-counter.
  • or in bulk quantities in the back of savings membership companies for an small extra fee every year. You'd be surprised how many out there actually want that particular placebo eff
  • eff eff effect. Especially if it's purchased in large amounts. Bu bu but nobody, and I mean nobody wants to go home empty handed. So they make exceptions for people who st stutter.


  1. Woab Mar 07 2018 @ 12:06

    Effing hilarious ending, Benwicky.

  2. SlimWhitman Mar 07 2018 @ 13:25

    A cunning way to slip the eff word by the censors, Benwicky.

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