Once upon a time, there was a tiny little

  • Once upon a time, there was a tiny little mouse.
  • He no family or friends. All he wanted was to be loved and cared about.
  • This is why Mr. Smithers became a principal at our school. He wanted the kids to love him, so he let them do whatever they wanted. Being "sent to the principal's office" meant that
  • you'd be entitled to whatever lunch his wife packed for him and whatever cash was in his wallet. He was a real chump. A pushover. All the kids knew it. Hagedor tried to protect him
  • and Jordan admired that. He followed the River and amused his classmates with card magic and party tricks, but he struggled every day not to flash and show how deeply spooky he
  • can really make it. Jordan was born in a cross-fire hurricane with a bad moon rising. He could show is classmates the deeper darker secrets of the River by
  • stirring it with his pudendum. Invariably it would loosen jetsam and flotsam up from the bottom which would astonish his classmates. Mostly footwear from previous centuries.
  • A sandal from Biblical times. A tiny scarlet zapatito from 1887. A royal Chinese slipper from the tenth century. He dipped his feet into the jetty and came up shod. One platform
  • pair of red and white sneakers added several inches to his height. Beachcombers who witnessed the miracle went to the water's edge to see for themselves.
  • Two young dudes went to check whose label was on the sneakers. It was Guignon de Clichy, who they had read about recently. They each bought a pair and wore them for ten years. Fin.


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