Six years had passed since Benjamin's death.

  • Six years had passed since Benjamin's death. For years in a quiet obsession, Sarah tracked her fiance's killer. Now, finally, across the ballroom floor stood that very lizard man.
  • Sarah softshoed across to him. "O ancient scaly beast, salutations," she spoke in fluent Silurian, "Acclamations for the slaying of betrothed Benjamin who was getting boring tbh."
  • Sarah's soft shoes were given to her by someone with really hard feet. The hard footed "person" said, "Look, Sarah, these shoes are like sponge cake, I really can't use them."
  • "Why my dear, these are not just like sponge cake, they ARE sponge cake." Sarah told the person with hard feet. Meanwhile, Laramie made esoteric gang signs to the potted plant. It
  • didn't do anything. Laramie was disappointed. She wanted a new member for the gang. She went to get some sponge cake, but Sarah had finished it. She threw the plant at her angrily.
  • But the plant wouldn't have it! With a push of Will the plant transformed the anger into the smell of Creole Dreams which wiped out the whole battalion.
  • Blackened shrimp was served and the jazz musicians devoured it. Then they played their latest masterpiece, "Mecca Flat Blues" on the Red Line to entertain commuters returning home.
  • Who knew that blackened shrimp had such talent. The shrimp scampi turned many heads as it strutted on stage. Jebbediah Jinglehammer was on bass.
  • Tempura and Jambalaya were looking hot, singing backups as the lead singer of the Shrimp Scampi, Blind Lemon Shrimp, groped for the microphone and began to sing.
  • Pistol shrimp snapped to the tune & millions of shrill krill trilled his words in unison,"I'm just a sweet crustacean,from a transcontinental trench.." then a whale scooped 'em up.


  1. LordVacuity Dec 10 2017 @ 09:47

    Don’t breem it, sea bream it.

  2. Woab Dec 11 2017 @ 10:42

    Put a little krill bream on your hair.

  3. LordVacuity Dec 13 2017 @ 21:37

    The Rocky Shrimp Horror Picture Show. I see you shiver in a garlic sauce.

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