First day of school and i've already found

  • First day of school and i've already found a class i dislike.I have no friends and my assigned seat sucks really bad.My only form of entertainment is the computer in front of me
  • I booted it up and chatted with some guy who was also bored with school. He talked to me about the devil and other Ouija stuff. I realized then my desktop was unplugged.
  • So I unplugged every electronic device in the house. If the devil made them all work unplugged, I might as well unplug them all and save on my power bill, right? The devil
  • got angry at this notion and made every device in the world to fail and cause complete chaos. The whole world went into a panic without texting until someone named...
  • Beezelbub came set the world back into order, finally the Prince of Darkness reigned over the world with
  • 3 choices of salad dressing and the best BBQ tools I'd ever seen. The Lord of Hades
  • knew how to fire up a grill. The eternal fire of the damned never goes out. I'd brought some grade A sirloin of minotaur & Charon slathered on his Diabolo sauce. Silenus' brewskis
  • were the final nails in his coffin. That's when Mercury's centurions surrounded his home & arrested him on charges of manslaughtering endangered & sentient mythic creatures. Their
  • furry pelts laid in tatters all over the place, as though the creatures had been blown up by some mystic elemental bomb. Mercury gave off a hearty laugh and pointed his
  • finger towards the pelts, ordering his minions to gather them up. These pelts would make a nice new coat, and the remainder could be sold for a tidy profit.


  1. Zetawilk Sep 26 2012 @ 13:22

    Typical FoldingStory bipolar disorder.

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