I logged into FoldingStory and was met with

  • I logged into FoldingStory and was met with a slew of notifications. She had folded every single story I'd worked on in the past few hours. What was with her? Was she following me?
  • Not only that, but anonymous people, people to whom she had never been formally introduced, were giving points for her folds! She dialled Detective James Manatee (ret'd). He splosh
  • ed into view in her holotank, his cane in one flipper, a cabbage in the other, as tidily appareled as ever. She offered her thanks and gratitude for his influence and integrity. He
  • went in for a hug, flippers opened wide but Octicula mistook this as a threatening gesture, &gave Sharticus a face full of ink. Sharticus coughed&brushed the ink away with his cane
  • , an ineffective gesture, as the ink floated in a cloud surrounding him. Orticula's cousin Squidiganticus jetted in and gave Sharticus a crushing hug, Sharticus backslapped
  • His uncle and said, "This is no ordinary cloud!" His uncle agreed there was something peculiar about it. It was impossible to say just what.
  • It was weird in a general sort of way, even more usual. The cloud was extraordinarily puffy and unnaturally bright. There were shadows playing over its bumpy surfaces
  • "How Happy I am to be Alive!" thought the puffy cloud, humming cheerfully to itself.
  • A dessert approached, at whim of the trade winds. "ohshitohshit,"said the puffy cloud as it swam upwards.On the desert,a nomad experienced slight humidity,then there was only dust.
  • Then after that, a huge explosion tore the earth asunder, and everyone died. The end. (No animals were harmed in the making of this FoldingStory.)


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