Jungle Jack Mahoney was to take charge of

  • Jungle Jack Mahoney was to take charge of the expedition, and knew that the only way he could retrieve the Golden Idol of Mizrethia and escape the booby trapped pyramid was to
  • collect the green, blue, red & yellow stones distributed throughout the temple complex. With these Jungle Jack could access secret passages in the pyramid & get the Mizrethian Idol
  • and sell it to those bastard New York investors. Jungle Jack hated that he needed sell these artificats to the monied men. But this idol, this idol was cursed and it would be his
  • undoing if he kept it as he so desired. He'd finalized the transaction on IdolHands.com and his paypal account was flush. But when Jungle Jack tried to ship the idol he found that
  • It was the cursed tiki idol from the Brady Bunch! He had clearly undervalued his prize. The buyer was getting a steal. Where was he going to find a fake to send? Would he be cursed
  • , tikied, or idoled? Text 16865 for cursed, and some other number for the others. "I do love the viewer participation in this Brady Bunch reboot," I said. I texted 16865 and cursed
  • The stupidity of modern popular culture. Modern popular tellie programmes and music sucked. Robots could have done the songs on the radio.
  • But they were too busy working on Skynet. Any intelligence created can automatically decode how to recode itself. The problem we will have in the future is that your idea has alre
  • ady been tested in the market and your idea was a complete failure. You will end up having to sell at a loss to the Trump Space & Mining Co, by Presidential Decree #83321
  • . "Interesting, but sad." Our allies from nearby star systems and quantum meshes have helped us set up a containment field around the inner system. Talk later!


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