Weekend at last! Jamie had chopped his last

  • Weekend at last! Jamie had chopped his last onion and dressed his last salad. He sneaked a can of fizzy out of his jacket pocket and reached under the sofa for his secret supply of
  • peanut butter. It was hidden underneath the sofa so that his wife wouldn't find it. He'd be in trouble if she found out
  • that he ate all the peunut butter so she couldn't make her disgusting peanut brittle. she was the only one who ever enjoyed at the parties. so just then an alein spacecraft swooped
  • down & a light cast long shadows behind my sister & her year old peanut brittle tin. In some forgotten tongue, we heard them ask for a peace offering. She gave them war brittle.
  • They scratched the brittle's surface, then smelled it. They mumbled to each other. They grabbed the smallest of their tribe. Made him bit the brittle. His teeth shattered like
  • a small testube dropped from the 37th floor of a hotel. Eating was going to be a huge problem now especially as dentistry was hereditry. They would need to
  • reapply the ointment and hope the teeth return. Or maybe this was the break they were looking for! Just imagine the look on their faces when
  • twenty-seven wild howler monkeys with wonderful dentistry start running amok in the streets of Chicago! Animal control would be far too distracted to notice the missing
  • antelopes! At last, my dream of a pronghorn herd of my very own was a reality. I opened the back of the tractor-trailer and patiently guided the wary animals inside.
  • The creatures shuffled into the trailer and with a gesture punctuated by the exigency of the moment and my own greed, i slammed the trailer shut. If only they hadn't panicked.


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