Picture a small ball of light. A small ball

  • Picture a small ball of light. A small ball of light in a field of darkness. Slowly, the ball of soft white light is expanding, so slowly. It's just gently growing larger, becoming
  • ever larger as you gaze at it. The ball of light is filling your being. Taking you over. Your will is under my control. . . Aww for cryin' out loud Bruno quit humpin' my leg!
  • Bruno was a Hyena, a female Hyena. She was musky and horny. A Red Dwarf had given her to me when I unlocked the The Yellow Seize spell that had stopped him from
  • being seized by Gibbering Goblins on Hyperactive Hyenas. This particular Hyena had grown too attached to the Dwindling Dwarf, so he had given her to me for a Spittle Spewing Spell.
  • This Hyena was named Gwendolyn. She had a deep brown fur coat, but her teeth were sharp. The Dwindling Dwarf was relieved to not have to deal with her. "Hiya!", she said to me as
  • I rode the Majestic king of Jelly Fish through the frost bitten terrain of the ancient dwarven hinterlands. Gwendolyn the Hyena tried to coax The Dwindling Dwarf to derail my jell
  • -yfish ride, but the Dwindling Dwarf became caught in its tentacles and was stung to death. We couldn't untangle him, but dragged him behind us as Gwendolyn the Hyena seethed
  • , "How could you let this happen?" Tears ran down her face. I said, "But you despised him!" Gwendolyn the Hyena cackled, "No - I spiced him. That dwarf was to be my next meal."
  • I said "Well, the dwarf is gone and nothing is going to help that..." Gwendolyn the Hyena answered with her tears running down and making a pool of water "I stilled loved him in my
  • Third gullet. I'll have to see a specialist for that, I guess". We all nodded our heads yes, see a specialist. Gwendolyn the Hyena would write in her 2nd biography that support got


  1. LordVacuity Jun 09 2017 @ 02:09

    Through the dark night of the soul.

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