Jeff folded his large, batlike wings behind

  • Jeff folded his large, batlike wings behind him as he lit on the ground. He was in the middle of a deserted suburb street, hoping to hell he could find a good liquor cabinet to
  • bust open he broke into the house on the corner. There was a light burning on the second floor but downstairs was all quiet. He made his was to the den and saw a form sleeping in
  • big stinky stained sleeping bag. The bag's white stuff was showing from where this sleeper had rolled too close to the fire when sleeping on another camping trip. The head poking
  • out from the deluxe double zippered enclosure was not mine so i decided to investigate ! flashlight poised to crush sculls, I raised my liftin' stick in order to do some poking
  • In the tall grass and weeds, deciding in the end that a back door job would suffice. I opened the rounded
  • triangular,square opening. My mind jarred and my thoughts stampeded as I witnessed the turning inside out of everything ! socks, houses, skins, eyballs all their insides exposed an
  • d a cutaway view of my neighbor's cat. After looking at my 4-D home movie, I decided that the general public might not be ready for it. Until I got a call from Dreamworks.
  • Dreamworks wanted to produce it it, or will have wanted to have produced it. It was hard to tell with the time distortion. In any case I set off immediately for Holywood only to
  • to reveal myself as an outsider the first time I asked for directions to "I-405". The natives bared their teeth and unsheathed their knives. I held up the script to confuse them.
  • "Justin Bieber, Barney the Dinosaur, and Captain Crunch must work together in order to save the world from an evil toaster? You're clearly insane, just get out of here," they said.


  1. BlastedHeath Jan 09 2012 @ 18:51

    Note to self: always pack a liftin' stick.

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