Vlastomil Ruparkhin came back into focus.

  • Vlastomil Ruparkhin came back into focus. "Thought you had left the room!" Greta Merton quipped. "Oh, I'm still out there, but maybe I should don some pagan carp for their sake."
  • Greta Merton had Vlastomil Ruparkhin there. Trapped. But then Greta Van Susteren spoke up. "Leave Vlasti alone!" It was a Greta battle.
  • And then, of course, Greta Gravity showed up and smothered everyone with her boobs. Then the tf2 medic showed up (What? He's German too!) and ubercharged
  • Greta, as she proceeded to get the largest killing streak I've ever seen. All present could just watch in stunned silence before being swept away by a barrage of
  • whale penises. The whaling party had begun firing the unwanted parts of there catch into the land lovers towns and cities. The stench of whale jizz overpowered even the smell of
  • the land lovers dirty laundry. It wasn't your typical dirty laundry. For the land lovers wrote dirty gossip on their unwashed bedsheets. The old widow Peal hoisted a sheet with "
  • Sheriff Carson hath revealed his loins at the saloon". Miss Carson's sheets flapped in the wind with "Emma Smith is a tart with red shoes" on it. The town had so much dirty laundry
  • that folks were showing up to the main drag, entering the general store or the barber in shirts covered in scrawled gossip. Ol' Jack awoke one morning with RUSTLER tattooed on his
  • scrotum. While painful and unexpected he was happy with the result. After finishing off the remaining booze, Ol' Jack grabbed the keys to his Harley, and headed for
  • lornly into the clinic. He slapped the keys down on the counter, took off his clothes & yelled "Have a good look! I'm checking in!" Confused, the lady said "Sir, this a Denny's."


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