'IDENTITTIES!' the box proclaimed, shamelessly.

  • 'IDENTITTIES!' the box proclaimed, shamelessly. 'What's your BREAST GUESS?!!'. Quivering with excitement, Magdalena rushed over to the counter and purchased the game there and then
  • with no hesitation.That was Magdalena:always following her 'mantra':do first,think latter,get f*cked.What was she gonna do with that stupid game?She tryed to return it but the
  • Overstock website was down. "Damned internet!" she screamed before thrashing her keyboard to shreds. That, too, was Magdalenda: react, destroy, regret. She drew the shade and lit
  • a cigarette. She looked out the window to see children playing outside for recess. It looked peaceful out there. She then took a large sigh, grabber her keys, and went out to by a
  • bag of pot. Cigarettes weren't enough these days to calm the nerves. A schoolteacher can only take so much bullshit from the youngsters. So she opened the door and got into
  • their lunch boxes.There had to be some Doritos in here somewhere...or chips, peanuts, crackers...really anything would do-hooo-hooo-hooo! The schoolteacher started laughing uncontr
  • ollably, when all of a sudden she was jolted out of her habitual mockery of herself when the man with the gun burst through the window.
  • It was Ted. Ted and his stupid gun. It was a Daisy Air Rifle. He'd pay for that window. She finished stirring her "instant" iced tea. "Ted, I am more powerful than you can ever
  • know!" She wrinkled her nose when she said that, like she'd tasted something sour. Ever pugnacious, she snapped photos of the damage Ted and his Daisy Air Rifle did to her window.
  • "You'll shoot your eye out, kid," my father said. Obama's Peacekeeping Soldiers appeared from nowhere, snatched the rifle, and left. All was well because the Government said so.


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