Pulsing mindlessly in the deep, the little

  • Pulsing mindlessly in the deep, the little jellyfish made its way towards the swimmers, its tentacles collecting food as it went. As it approached the giant, swim-suit covered
  • shark,the jellyfish asked why was he dressed like that...why was he dressed at all?The shark explained that shark skin was prohibited in the Olimpics thus the
  • cost of baking pumpkin pies in Germany recently skyrocketed. Sharks and jellyfish had no business showing up naked to our Thanksgiving celebration. Feeling generous, however, the
  • Grand Master of the Lodge allowed the to join the feast. The Stoneshapers were usually a secret organisation but on this occasion they would allow Sharks and Jellyfish to join. The
  • names of the senior citizen mud wrestling teams were taken from a science text book. The mud was delivered from dump trucks and filled an olympic sized pool. Wilbur had trained
  • all the candidates the best tricks that they could perform at their age. Everyone jumped into the pool to fight but ended up playing like kids. It was an adorable and unique sight.
  • The He-man Fight-to-the-Death Club bubble bath pool frolick ended up on youtube and went viral. Soon He-men all over the world gave up macho posturing. Hulk Hogan & Mr. T's follies
  • , dollies, and doilies skyrocketed in popularity, soon merging with Apple, Starbucks, and Costco to form a global conglomerate hell-bent on world domination. These sensitive He-men
  • were easily offended by their favorite companies being taken over by toddler's toys. They decided to start a protest by
  • asking a bunch of anarchists to do their work, but they could never agree on a time or place or get organized together and plan out any slogans or signage. Anarchists. Tch.


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