His name was Sitting Bull. Famous chief.

  • His name was Sitting Bull. Famous chief. He was reincarnated as a hot Banana Boat Tanning Oil Supermodel in Maui. Drunk on Daquiries, she slipped and hit her head remembering
  • suddenly who she really was. The next day she/he was off to the reserve, trying to find Sitting Bull's descendants and see what had become of the once proud Red Nation. Sitting Bul
  • l's legacy lived on in the Black Hills where the Hunkpapa held a Sun Dance & our hermaphrodite hero(ine) received a new name: She who Stands. (S)he received a Dream Catcher from
  • the medicine man. She Who Stands slept peacefully for a moons turn until one night. One long dark night, her head turned toward the whisperer. The whisperer said, "walk
  • this waaayyyy..." She Who Stands followed the whisperer's command through the moonlit night, through the forest, to UggaUgga Lagoon, where the medicine man's nemesis lived. She
  • knocked on the door of the medicine man's nemesis, Ms.Empiricist Physician. Ms.Phys of UggaUgga Lagoon was a big fan of the scientific method & positivist research. She Who Stands
  • Tall blinked as the door opened onto a bright blast of light. She could see the figure of the medicine man's nemesis only in shadow, but one thing was for sure--it wasn't human.
  • Whatever had nine arms jutting out of its head couldn't possibly be human. Tall gripped her blade and thought back to all the crytids she'd studied but none fit this description.
  • It was something from beyond this world, this universe. It came from another reality altogether. The more she looked at the creature's many elongated arms the more she felt madness
  • crushing her fragile sense of reality. The beast's beady black eyes focused on her, and she felt frozen to the spot. As the monstrosity came closer, her world went dark...


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