My career as an iced bun lookalike includes

  • My career as an iced bun lookalike includes sitting in dieters' sitting rooms at an hourly rate. Dieters are torn between iced bun lust & the taboo against cannibalism. The conflic
  • t is further enhanced by my tee shirt which reads EAT ME. In the rare instance that a dieter exhibits substantial willpower, I'll up the ante by erotically lapping the icing off my
  • upper lip & then make a come hither gesture with my tongue. Only the most determined dieters can resist that move! Other times, I might give them a glimpse of my chocolate filling
  • tube which delightfully resembles the male--" Click. Dad waved the remote threateningly and scowled at us. "What did I tell you kids about documentaries?" We shrugged. He crossed
  • his cat for the last time. Snickers the cat, extended his claws. While "Dad" was distracted by yelling at his kids because they watched trash TV, Snickers launched himself at
  • The tellie and smashed it into 3,957,243 shards of glass. When the garbageman saw it, he thought who had broken this £1000 tellie. He had it fixed for £100. No one ever knew how he
  • man got his name. Some thought it was due to his bulgy muscles and manly manner. The garbageman worshipped Heman as evidenced by his bicep tattoo. But his arch enemy recylingman
  • worshiped the underwear king a secret Heman hater. The under wear king loved to put holes and skid marks on his nemesis's tidy whities. Lo and behold the garbageman suffered
  • for his art. He knew, after twenty 3 years, today he would find that object what would cap his masterpiece that he had been working on for those same twenty 3 years.
  • It was a lit match, which he held to his masterpiece until it burned. He stepped back and watched it go up in flames. He wept. He laughed. He knew that nothing could touch it now.


  1. Rebbie Nov 02 2016 @ 16:21

    49erfaithful that was amusing to the third degree! EAT ME!

  2. 49erFaithful Nov 03 2016 @ 13:03

    Thanks! I was pleased with the scene. :-)

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