twas the night before Christmas? no no just

  • twas the night before Christmas? no no just kidding twas the night before valentines day
  • and all through the world all women were waiting for
  • a sign. A sign that the world wasn't ending now that Justin Bieber was dead.
  • and all was amazed, for there was much rejocing and tap danceing. Suddenly Selena gomez showed up and slayed the president and juliea gilard, and all were happy.
  • then some legen killed serena and the country WHOOPE WHOOPED all the way to the water hole
  • But then they realised that serena was their saviour and without her the whole world would tumble into an apocalipse so they decided they needed to bring her back to life
  • guard training, but Serena was a terrible swimmer. She dog paddled with tennis racquets. She nearly drowned in the YMCA whirl pool but
  • something stopped it, something, not of this world. As she was pulled under the endless spiral of waves something grabbed hold of her, and it alone is the reason she is here today.
  • Love saved her. Love for an Elder God, a handsomely tentacled sea beast with big, bright eyes she just fell mad for. As the sovereign cephalopod dragged her gently into the abyss,
  • the growing darkness comforted her and she smiled. She thought of conquest, of ruling together, with her God, from the deep.


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