When I started doing PsyOps on Folding Story

  • When I started doing PsyOps on Folding Story I was unprepared for the difficulty of the task of creating the trigger fold using Folding Story's character limit & time limit. Custer
  • reached his last stand and I was automatically teased into crafting the next line, knowing little about where it was headed and why I was so compelled.
  • Frantically, I started typing anything that I could think of - the openness of the fold gave me complete control of the plot- surely I could think of something. But alas,
  • 180 characters are over before you know it. But come to think of it, starting a foldingstory with 180 characters would be well nigh impossible and pretty confusing to boot. Oops,
  • it seems like the folder, and his/her thought process has changed. Now what? This is so confusing! How is anyone supposed to finish anything at all? And why does the 4th wall need
  • to be observed all of the time? I sat, lost in my musings as I absentmindedly stirred my tea. I didn't hear the jangle of the keys in the lock or the door opening. I did feel the
  • breath of the Hydra upon me though, as he announced that I was free to go. The cell door was now open, but I found myself frozen, in spite of the tea. Was I ready for freedom?
  • This tea was just too good; Hydra surely had some special recipe. If I left my cell, I would never taste that sweet, sweet beverage again. Was that a life I wanted to lead?
  • Perhaps not. S.H.I.E.L.D. had some other enticing options. I would have to decide which team I was on. Did I want to defend the planet from morphed humans or did I want to
  • hang out at the pool with half-naked babes, drink martini's, and sign autographs. This wasn't going to be a tough choice, People. Screw the Human Race. Let's get drunk and laid!


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