Help!Help! my mother is trying to push me

  • Help!Help! my mother is trying to push me into the well.Hearing that, my mother came near me.IN the sleep, i started pulling my mother's hair .Later, she told "stop pulling ....
  • my... hair... I'm pushing you down the well for your own good. It's to test your initiative." Much, much later, at the bottom of the well, I examined the contents of the bag she'd
  • packed for me. A paper clip, rope, rosary beads & gas canisters. What was this, a light-hearted version of The Ring? I wasn't MacGyver, I was her 7 yr old daughter stuck in a well.
  • This was some sort of mind game wasn't it? These random objects can't possibly -- unless... I tied a gas canister to the rope and tried to throw it over the top of the well, but
  • something grabbed it and pulled it up. The gas canister was moving UP at an alarming rate of speed. Was I standing upside down? Where were the mirrors? What did I take last
  • night, and should I be worried that this trip had lasted so long? Did I remember to turn off the coffeemaker this morning? After checking my pockets twice more I found a mirror in
  • reverse. It was absorbing the light of everything around it, including the light in the eyes of the adorable (but somewhat creepy) Anime vixens who were in the process of removing
  • the internal organs of what was either a very elderly man or a hideous woman. As it took the light left in the eyes of the anime vixens, they fell to the floor, entrails in tow.
  • Twilight Sparkle happened upon the scene a short time later. Calmly, she said, "Dear Princess Celestia. With all due respect, WTF???" Applejack helped clean up the anime vixens and
  • , well, what else could be done? It was one of those weird "truth is stranger than fiction" moments. Then suddenly, it was over. The phone rang, and life just...went on.


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