We floated through the clouds in the balloon.

  • We floated through the clouds in the balloon. The Fuschia Fields were as beautiful as the guidebook said. The octopus was prattling on about the dry wind. I yelled over the wind,
  • "Hey, octopus! How much longer till we get there?" The octopus responded, "First, we must get through these beautiful fields, then we'll be in the neon town." I sighed and said,
  • "Why can't everything be neon?" The octopus looked at me, disappointed. "Don't you appreciate this field? Have you got a problem with nature?"
  • "It's not nature I hate, it's just that ever since my unfortunate sexual encounter with Vishnu I've had a terrible fear of anything with 8 arms. That and neon is for pussies."
  • "I'm fed up with your excuses Wally. It's always something with you these days. Just swallow this day glow orange plastic octopus filled with LSD and lets head for customs."
  • "No! I won't do it!" shouted Wally, shooting his tormentor right in the balls. He pulled the trigger again and again, until the gunshot sounds became but a ringing in his ears.
  • The screams of the other patrons in the McDonald's Fun Zone were a distant drone behind the ringing. Numbly, my foe slipped beneath the plastic rainbow waves of the ball pit.
  • Just as it seemed like he was getting away, all hope lost for justice, a familiar voice said "Someone order an asskicking?" Behind the counter with a McGriddle was Michael Scarn.
  • "Scarn!" roared the nefarious do-badder. "I'll make you a knuckle sandwich with extra pain," he screamed, rushing towards the oddly intrusive agent, fist outstretched, eyes blazing
  • The Colonel walks on-stage and said, "Right, That's enough scarning about!" Not a woody sort of name is it? Scaaarrnn. Quite tinny really." A giant foot stamped on them. The End.


  1. Bad. Apr 22 2011 @ 15:53

    RECIDIVIST. Rather tinny, wouldn't you say?

  2. DirkMcFrbrd Apr 23 2011 @ 18:19

    You can't stop the immortal Michael Scarn.

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