The TV announced "Only 10 more shopping days

  • The TV announced "Only 10 more shopping days until Christmas". Zeeno replied, "10 more days & the world ends. Let's see what's left on my list? Replace mannequins at Macy's with
  • 15 tier wedding cakes. The TV suddenly went static. Zeeno had forgotten to pay his tv license as he was too busy with his evil christmas list. Zeeno called the
  • doctor and the doctor said, "No more monkeys jumping on the bed." Zeeno and the disappointed monkeys sat down and ate the rest of the wedding cake and played Uno.
  • They had always enjoyed playing Uno, as it posed a real challenge for the hyperactive monkeys. The problem was, as soon as they started playing the found themselves unable to stop
  • throwing their poop around. Damn monkeys, how am I supposed to beat them at Uno, if it ends like this every single time? I grabbed the mop and some Lysol to clean up after the
  • poop flinging monkeys. That is when I discovered the nickles and dimes in the poop. Seems like these monkeys were eating spare change, which gave me an idea on how to smuggle more
  • poop in coin rolls. You see, I hate the banks. I want them to handle feces like it was money so I can know that full-bellied satisfaction of be-stinking a banker. I needed to
  • make the poop act like a dye pack and leak on the tellers' hands. Permanent stainage, that's how I roll. The ruin, the lovely ruin, all over... "Sir, you're next in line," I heard.
  • I shuffled nonchalantly towards the counter, only to be stopped by a hefty security guard who barred my way. "Is there something that you'd like to confess, sir?" he boomed, pointi
  • ng in my general direction. "Yes," replied "I am a work of art and I am a confession. I confess myself." Confused, the guard let me go about my business unhindered.


  1. Chaz Jul 30 2013 @ 17:26

    It's performance art, Enjoy it!

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