I slid out of the way without comment, taking

  • I slid out of the way without comment, taking and putting on her sunglasses. When the officer arrived, Iris rolled down the window and stared blankly at him, waiting.
  • Then the officer said, "Listen, I have no reason to pull you over except that I have authority and I am very horny, and
  • BAM! A rear-ending quite the opposite of what the officer had in mind turned his new cruiser into a pile of twisted metal and fire. The crooked cop
  • was shifting weight frequently as if he were a four year old child who had to go potty, but was afraid to ask where the bathroom was. This led to
  • the rumor that he had entered menopause. After the environmental contamination with compounds acting as female hormones, men began to experience PMS, hot flashes
  • and general Bitchiness with crying. It was getting to be expected rather than shocking, to see overly macho men like the WWE wrestlers, saunter out then start crying if the crowd
  • so much as throws a folding chair at them. I mean, folding chairs hurt, but come ON. You're a paid professional actor built like a tank, and you should be able to take it.
  • But the cost of paid leave for professional wrestlers was exhorbidant. Hince, the invention of the breakaway folding chair and turnbuckles made of pillows.
  • But what more can you expect from people so stupid that they still die in the ring even when following a stupid script? And their audience isn't particularly bright, either.
  • This sheer dumbness from both spectator and performer allowed for great financial success, and the collection of investors who made it happen slept like kings on piles of money.


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