And then he finally said it, "Jesus Christ!

  • And then he finally said it, "Jesus Christ! Shut up with the rules. If I'd known you'd be like this I wouldn't have married you." And then she folded her arms and
  • got very quiet. He plopped down on the couch, spent, and she walked away. 10 minutes later she came in the den with a sandwich and a pushup bra on. He was HIGHLY suspicious
  • because she never ate in the den and it was his bra she was wearing. This was like that dream he had the other night. Maybe it wasn't a dream? With a sense of deja-vu, he
  • wondered aloud why actors could use words like "twat" and the "c"-word on the BBC, but both were taboo on broadcast networks in the U.S. He feared she was stretching out his bra
  • cups so he reached down the front of his shirt and pulled her out. "Thanks for that," the women muttered, "your chest was getting really sweaty." Unsure if he should be insulted he
  • grinned roguishly, and was happily surprised when she winked at him. Later that night, the happy pair chatted as they strolled down the Manhattan boardwalk, inhaling the delicious
  • smell of hot dogs. Following their noses they ended up at a hot dog stand and Maggie encouraged Joey to enter the hot dog eating contest and he won! Watching fireworks at the beach
  • wasn't enough. He wanted to go golfing where they allowed 2 hot dogs per golfer. He had a plan to get more! His hot dog addiction began as an infant. Mother chopped them in tiny
  • bits and put them on his malt-o-meal. She shipped him off to school with frankfurter and peanut butter sandwiches. Hooked, He decided to hijack the Oscar Meyer Wienermobile.
  • As he hit the gas he heard a voice. "Edgar this is your tummy speaking. I want Malto meal must have malto meal. You will kill for my matlo meal" Grinning widely he drove off


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