He was 6' 4", 240, and wore a lot of flannel.

  • He was 6' 4", 240, and wore a lot of flannel. Drank whiskey like water and killed all his own meat. Was apolitical but felt passionately that Jacob was Bella's true soulmate. When
  • his mother told him the story of Paul Bunyan for the very first time (at age 5) he had dreams he didn't understand. Of course, now that he was a big burly man himself, he understoo
  • d all too well what those tortured twilight imaginings of giant choppers and blue,horned women were all about. And boy, did that make him feel inadequate as a man. So he tried to c
  • ompete with people way below his pay grade. He would go into the shallow end of the pool and just drench four year olds and push babies under water. He was the undisputed
  • Champion of graft and bravodocio in a world of fear. Such was the postmodern world. The most pathetic thing was the emperor had lost his clothes at the Russian baths. Thus,
  • Champion of graft and bravodocio in a world of fear. Such was the postmodern world. The most pathetic thing was the emperor had lost his clothes at the Russian baths. Thus,
  • far, the United States prevented EMP attacks that Russia had planned, 4 strong people were brave and courageous, when going into battle, against EMP attacks
  • against three sickly little kittens. Outraged, the public raised $50 on a Kickstart campaign against the kittens' attackers and soon the kittens had a new home at Aunt Claudia's
  • Kitten Butcher Shop. Aunt Claudia put the kittens in a special little box, and promised to nurse them back to health before processing their meat and rendering their fat.
  • She made kitten soft facial bars & meow mix meat pies. Only the elite could afford it. But the secret cat burglar society found her. What evidence the coppers had it was them? None


  1. Dhanithecat Nov 02 2016 @ 16:49

    I accidentally folded twice. I have a friend who is Russian and visits the Russian baths in Chicago!

  2. Rebbie Nov 02 2016 @ 17:20

    Oh! We know the Disneys and the man who started Starbucks.

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