the different types of sacraments of initiation

  • the different types of sacraments of initiation are baptism confirmation communion

  • and pin the tail on the donkey. Brother Francis was blindfolded and spun around 3 times. "And so brother, your initiation begins, Seek truth in darkness.

  • Be braaayve, my Brother," he coaxed, as Brother Francis plodded forth blindly with outstretched hands, wielding a long sharp needle trailed by a hairy grey tail. Other shrank back

  • while hiding their gleeful expectations. Brother Francis stood still with his barbed donkey's tail. "Let the donkey missing its tail come forth, and someone skillful to mend it."

  • A tailess donkey brayed from the pews, "I see the light! I beg salvation!" Brother Francis nodded. "And what brave soul among you will deliver this lamb to the fold?" The anaconda

  • Immediately told the donkey to stay right there. Don't move or else was the message. The donkey froze. Literally. The anaconda feared the donkey would rival him as the annointed

  • one. Anna Conda had a natural sheen that screamed annoint me, but Don Key was no ass. He had a plan. He would become the Annointed One! Braying loudly he claimed

  • that all cats had voted unanimously for him. "Mewl! Mule! They cried!" insisted Don Key, but the cats all shook their heads. "Pussies!" Don Key yelled at them. Anna Conda had

  • seen enough and called for the moot to vote on Don Key's case. Munn Key, not a relation, headed the prosecution. Munn was a Mung refugee in the witness protection program. His real

  • name was a secret code for opening pandora's box and exempt from the records. Don Key was exonerated and Mon Key arrested after discovering the trial was his plan to open the box.



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