A hard-boiled egg was set before him. The

  • A hard-boiled egg was set before him. The shell was fragmented. Gently he began to peel it, one shard at a time.
  • He ate the shards one by one,calmly felt the cracking buzz on his teeth.When he was done with the shell,he fed his dog the egg and stood up.The dog gave him a tail wag.The bar keep
  • realized too late this was the Sunnyside Faceplant Serial Killer (who always left victims facedown in a sunnyside up egg, and never left any eggshells) as the killer left the bar w
  • ith a twisted smile on his face. "The yolk's on them!" the Sunnyside Faceplant Serial Killer giggled maniacally. He cracked himself up as he cracked his victims faces. Meanwhile,
  • nothing was really happening anywhere else that didn't exist at the time of the telling of this story about the Sunnyside Faceplant Serial Killer. So, now back to that story.
  • Sunnyside was a "Beauty Camp" where those with vanity issues and deep pockets, deep pockets sometimes being the vanity issue itself. It was a place one would expect a Serial Killer
  • To get a beautiful makeover to conceal their real personality. They had the money for these services, after all. John Wayne Gacy didn't bother, he buried bodies in his basement.
  • Not only did John have bodies buried in his basement and "crow's feet", he also had a collection of Gene Rayburn's polyester suits, which he had found in a Burbank dumpster in 1976
  • Eugen Peter Jeljenic was the child of Croatian immigrants. Gene chose the stage name "Rayburn" by randomly sticking his hand in his alphabet soup. John owned Gene Rayburn's suits
  • They fit all nice and tidy, Anyways though, Eugen was a jerk and would always pee on the police. John suffocated Eugen one day and ate his guts. John: "TASTY!!!"


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