Life, Demons, Fairies, and Ghouls is what

  • Life, Demons, Fairies, and Ghouls is what my life has become about. Jenna sighed, "What am I supposed to do? Save the world? or...
  • would it be preferable to tend to my homework, rather than risk my neck for innocents? Finally, Jenna decided that selflessly playing League of Legends was the right thing to do.
  • Jenna's mother was pretty confused, though, when she texted "What game are you playing?" to her daughter and got back "LOL" as a response. She didn't find this at all funny.
  • Using her secret Mom powers, she flew across town and through the wall of the party house. She grabbed Jenna by the scruff of the neck and dragged her back home through the sky.
  • Jenna kept her eyes shut tight for the entire flight back. Her mind was swirling with all of the possible lecture lines she would hear upon her return. But to her surprise
  • she gave no attention. The surprise sulked away, totally dejected. Jenna had no time for that nonsense, she had a flight test to take. She readied her turbines and prepared
  • eat the largest bowl of Kraft's macaroni and cheese while taking her flight test, in order to break the world record for
  • Eating macaroni and cheese while flying with the guerilla from Manila. Magilla Gorilla polished it off while she was busy serving coq au vin. The gorilla was wiping his mouth with
  • A napkin just like any other polite person. The wall growled. Magilla delicately laid both hands on his top knee, leaned forward and glared at the wall. The wall growled again but
  • Magilla patiently replied, "Just let it out bro, the years of punch holes, poor peeling paint jobs , scuffs and scrapes." Then came a sobbing hugged. "I feel better now."


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