Whose idea it was to combine aerosol whipped

  • Whose idea it was to combine aerosol whipped cream with misted Red Bull would not be invited to my Niece's Birthday party ever again.
  • Luckily, my sister was an understanding woman, and after the police had left, and we'd cleared up all the chewed wallpaper, she gave me a hug. "Thanks for organizing everything"
  • She said. "It's no problem." I replied. "We should just be grateful that it was only a small herd of beavers."
  • She said. I replied. That was our love affair in a nutshell. She always made the first move. I initiated nothing. I would just stare at her blankly until she would move. Beavers.
  • It's what brought us together and now it was tearing us apart. Beavers. "Tell me what to do," I whispered. "I only operate under direct instruction." "Feed them sprats until they'r
  • E ready to eat caviar." Beaver Cleaver and his brother liked sprats, seeing as their family was Russian. Beaver could not eat much of sprats but his brother loved them. He spoke of
  • nothing but sprats. The Beav' once poisoned Wally's sprats but they didn't air that episode. It put Wally in the hospital, but on the show they pretended he had a tonsil infection.
  • That is why now Beav' and Wally only act friendly on the show. And why I avoid sprats. I have had one too many oily little buggers. Thanks but, no thanks. From now on I only eat
  • dry sponges to soak up all that oil. "Gee, Wally," said th' Beav, "I guess that's why you have so many pimples and stuff." Wally's eyes narrowed. I knew that there would be trouble
  • And trouble there was. Howdy Doody did what he did for the dudes and the dudettes of dat dat dat fatty datty datty done dukes it out with the dukes out of hazard and purring pretty


  1. LordVacuity May 07 2017 @ 06:07

    I see now my mistake.

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