it was time they didn't know it was time

  • it was time they didn't know it was time but it was time for the shadow giant was here.
  • Every year, at precisely two pm, the shadow giant stomps down from the mountains. It gathers 5 sheep and storms off. If the villagers produce 20 sheep a year, how many sheep does
  • that make that have to be cloned?" The Village Idiot looked up at Danny, "Why don't you just let the sheep mate." A hush fell over the crowd, that's when the Shadow Giant
  • showed up with his entourage of impeccably-dressed Mugwumps. "Give us the girl," the Giant commanded. "And we ain't gonna have no problems." The Mugwumps all concurred.
  • I leaned up against the porch post, rubbed my chin then my nose, and with an all encompassing gesture towards the giant and the Mugwumps said, "I am inclined to deny your request."
  • "Furthermore," I continued pointing at the giant with my toothpick, "I think it is high time that you, Mr. Giant and all your Mugwumps skedattled from these parts and go back to
  • the mouldy boulder from whence you came, especially Mr. Giant, you silly person!" Mr. Giant didn't take kindly to that remark. He tried to strangle me with a huge length of floss
  • but as it was waxed (and mint) I managed to squeak through it's grasp. Enraged, Mr. Giant tried to catch me under a giant Dixie Cup but he was clumsy and squashed it against the wa
  • X museum statue of Queen Elizabeth. The royal family was furious and screamed bloody murder if the statue was damaged. I looked and yes, Mr. Giant had gotten one small ding in it.
  • But the dent in Mr. Giant was hardly noticable. I mean, only if you were carefully inspecting in a certain, ahem, place- which you wouldn't be would you? Why would you look THERE!?


  1. LordVacuity Oct 14 2016 @ 09:24

    Oh damn, I was sure the UK was going to war with the Giants again.

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