• You are the first folder as I am the second. We will be followed by a third who may or may not sing about marijuana in Spanish; that remains to be seen. Here he or she comes.
  • "La cucaracha, la cucaracha, ya no puede caminar porque no tiene, porque le falta marihuana que fumar!!!" I sing. Now here you come, the fourth folder, to help translate the song.
  • The bloody roaches had, on the way to the roach motel, gotten into my stash of marijuana, so it was unusable. How to dispose of it? I gave it to Martians for rocket fuel. Then,
  • as I plowed through my corn field, a Blue Lady came by, and put her badass construction worker boot up on my tractor, and we carried on my Wayward Son, riding through the fields we
  • came across a baby in a basket suspended by balloons floating along the tops of the corn stalks. The Blue Lady reached her long arm up and drew the babe into our tractor, where we
  • adopted him and named him Clark Kent 2. He was immediately similar to Superman. Our Adopted son couldn't lift cars but he could lift large
  • Tonka trucks, he could see through walls when we were just we were beginning to dose off, and he was immune to the smell of his full nappies, but Clark Kent 2 had one weakness
  • : he hated vaccines. So when Dr. Grabby turned him over & removed his diaper for an MMR shot, Clark Kent 2 let loose a HyperFart. The poor MD clutched his throat & turned all blue,
  • "Quick, nurse call doc Lex to bring the Kryptonite again," he bellowed through his gags and retching. "He is the one." Gag. Gasp. "We can now begin the..." but he collapsed....


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