I contemplated the idea of Karma for a half

  • I contemplated the idea of Karma for a half second until a flying crowbar crashed through my windshield and awakened me again. I took another deep breath and slammed the stick in
  • my mouth. Karma be damned, this stick of juicy fruit was all I needed to keep me in the present moment. I know longer think about yesterday or tomorrow. I exist in the now
  • knowing that it was all for... or was it. What was it all for exactly? Naught. Or would it be knot? Perhaps not? Oh who cares? It was all just a dream. A flight of fantasy.
  • Speaking of fantasy, did you hear about that novel all my goth friends are reading about a dark Emo-prince who brings the gargoyles at Notre Dame to life? They swoop around Paris
  • taking revenge on all of the pigeons that have antagonized them over the years, hunting them toward the brink of extinction. However, this story is not about pigeons. It is
  • about Gargoyles who eat Pigeons. Squab may sound exotic buy it has strange properties when it is the sole item of your diet. In fact you end looking like a Gargoyle. Stiffness
  • in the joints is then followed by a need to hangout in cathedrals. Many a paralyzed troll that sits atop a roof is the result of pigeon ingestion. Medical science has helped by
  • growing stronger and stronger strains of medicinal marijuana. 4 out of 5 trolls paralyzed by pigeon ingestion report that they couldn't care less after toking a J of
  • breastmilk. Trolls are known to stand in front of microwaves and snort pounds and pounds of artificial sweetener just to get cancer and be able to legally smoke dope. Trolls don't
  • care much about themselves. So, without a bit of hesitation I drew Rusty Sanchez from it's sheath and ran towards the troll. A sickening thud rang out and the beast fell, dead.


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