There may be a karmic reason Antonin Scalia

  • There may be a karmic reason Antonin Scalia is an anagram for "Anal Inactions." I mean, just yesterday, he
  • was completely full of sh*t. In my Opinion, he shouldn't have made George Bush Precedent. And he'd never get off Soto Mayor's case. He'd smirk and say to her "Have an Opus Dei."
  • And Justice Soto Mayor replied, "Stay away from my beverages Clarence." And then he would shut up and go back
  • to the bar. Clarence had spent much time at the bar, studying for the bar, drinking at bars. How funny his life had
  • now turned to defending the murderer of the inventor of the Clark Bar who had beaten the old man to death with a crow bar for coming up with such a crap name. He was barred
  • from the library until he could find the candlestick. That's how this game of clue ended. But the crumbs from the Clark Bar were all over the playing surface. We needed
  • a break, so instead we had a Snickers each, because *fuck* Clark Bars. After getting upset at each other over the next board game (Scrabble), we decided on another board game
  • : Clue. But we played a modified version. Where the murder hadn't happened yet. Instead of guessing where the murder took place, players had to "Call their shots" and do the deed
  • themselves. Mollie said we couldn't call it Clue anymore, but I said we *had* to call it Clue because that's what it says on the box! And I won that argument because she was dead.
  • She was dead because I just killed her. "Get a Clue!" I screamed as a plunged the knife into her body. Ironic perhaps, but so satisfying. "Anybody want another game?" I ventured...


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