Meanwhile, on Innuendo Island, Bob Uppindown

  • Meanwhile, on Innuendo Island, Bob Uppindown winked a brown eye at fellow camp counselor Shirley Knotty. They sat on the shores of Lake Likkaflappaskyn, playing a baudy game of
  • Sin with a Bottle when Willy Luong swung by to remind them curfew at Camp Tittiganbang was when when the hands are straight up. So Bob Uppindown & Shirley Knotty raised a tent flap
  • and squirted mayonnaise all over Willy Luong, who deflated immediately. "We knew you were coming!" cried Shirley Knotty, as Bob Uppindown shook with mirth. At Camp Tittiganbang,
  • Willy Luong, Shirley Knotty & Bob Uppindown were summarily dismissed for gross misconduct involving condiments. Shock was etched on their faces as they left Camp Tittinganbang for
  • the last time, never to return. "We're thrown out of camp. Nice work, Willy," Shirley grumbled. "We were all to blame," sniffled Bob, "Now how are we supposed to get home?"
  • Also, the camp director had them & their baggage dropped off near a scary looking mansion. "How you get home is YOUR problem. Good night." Bob, Shirley & Willy shivered.Thunder & l
  • lama LaToodle went looking. Thunder jumped up closer to the scary looking mansion & Llama set out to investigate the local threats. She got a big whiff of the exhaust for later.
  • Thunder and his brother Monkey set out on the catwalk their humans set up. They could look down and watch everything. Hunter was cleaning fish and they smelled it! Aha!
  • thats wher the fish went siad the cats and then looked at the humans maybe we should
  • Turn them into fish? Nah, said the other, lets convince a astrologer to write "feed your cats more fish" for every sign. When they eventually found one, she just ate them instead.


  1. StigMartyr Jun 28 2020 @ 16:18

    We started off on Innuendo Island and ended up eating pussies. I'm trying to think of an innuendo myself, but it's hard.

  2. LordVacuity Jun 29 2020 @ 01:29

    I thought innuendo was an Italian brand of suppositories.

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