It was a fine Saturday morning and she is

  • It was a fine Saturday morning and she is having a nice cup of coffee. Suddenly the phone rang
  • as she hurriedly put the book down she knocked over her coffee into mr. smythe's lap! Poor Mr. smythe! Always the recipient of some sort of bad luck be it a bee sting, or papercut
  • or hot McDonald's coffee. But that was all about to change. Mr Smythe bought a magic charm from a Voodoo priest, who said it would reverse his luck. But as is true with magic
  • jack it
  • off. He placed his jacket on the coat hanger by the door, and let out an exasperated sigh. He slumped on the couch, turned on the TV, and flicked the channel to
  • some cooking channel. Didn't work. Made him reconcile himself with childhood memories but anxious. He did not know why but
  • ter had become so popular again. Because of this, butter had risen 30% in the last 6 weeks. He could no longer put butter in hi coffee or on his
  • burned skin as an emollient. The pain was excruciating, plus he really missed his hi-coffee, which was a special recipe he had hoped to sell to Starbucks. Now, butter cost so much
  • that i had to use lard instead. After a few months of drinking my lard-fuelled hi-coffee, I had my first stroke, and developed a condition that left my
  • butt cheeks fissured. Once I had also contracted priapism of the nipples, I began to question my choice of beverage. I made the switch to decaf and lived an awkward but happy life.


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