Once upon a time, there was a little Kanye

  • Once upon a time, there was a little Kanye West. This world was too small for him. In his world, he is king. Long live the king? What was I talking about again? Oh, right. He had a
  • microphone in his hand. How did he end up with a microphone, again? No matter, he was just cool like that. The crowd looked on expectantly, waiting for him to
  • start. "and I did it. MYYY WAAAY!! Hey everybody thanks and welcome to the first ever solo performance of 'Breaking Bad: the Musical' Hello, MR. BLUESKY! Everybody smiles at you."
  • "Mr. Blue we're so pleased to be with you, look around see what you do.." 'Breaking Bad:The Musical' was going off without a hitch until the meth head in the front row stood up and
  • pissed on the floor, lit up a smoke and marched out an emergency exit, leaving bells ringing throughout the theater. He walked up the road towards, bouncing off cars and breaking
  • his hand as he accidentally rams it through a windshield. "Oh god, OH GOD! WHY IS THIS HAPPENING? WHY DID VELMA HAVE TO EAT ALL THE PUDDING LIKE THAT??!"
  • A passerby (James, we'll call him) witnessed the whole thing & rushed over to help the man who was now crying & screaming something else about Velma & pudding. No good deed goes un
  • der the radar of Hubert the Angel for pudding-related good deeds. James received the Golden Plum award and he and Velma found themselves at the Pearly Gates before you could say "
  • sugar pudd'n three times." James heard his voice, but it was different somehow, "I'm here with you," Velma said. Everything was so bright, the white light was pulling at their
  • eyeballs, so much it would have been perfect 4a Visine TV add. Velma said, James, u know my heart belongs 2Shaggy. Then Velma & Shaggy hopped in the MysteryMachine & headed north.


  1. CrazyBananas Sep 05 2013 @ 11:44

    And they would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids.... :)

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