When the big studios had successfully rebooted

  • When the big studios had successfully rebooted every franchise they could, there was no option left but to mash up successful films, their first endeavor being a mash of "Planet
  • of the Apes" and "M*A*S*H". Some baboon at the Studio Conglomerate got a kick out of iincluding mash in the title. "Planet of the Mashups" starred Sempung the Orangutan as Hawkeye
  • prepared for retirement. A spinoff of MASH was inevitable, and who better than Sempung to take his place. He wondered if Hot Lips would like the Orangutan, but only for a moment as
  • it became abundantly clear that Hot Lips was ill-suited to orangutan care. No, there was only 1 man who was hairy enough & strange enough to harbor the orangutan: Maxwell Klinger.
  • Having learned how to tend to orangutans in his hometown of Toledo (after finally getting his Section 8 psychiatric discharge during Nam),Maxwell Klinger knew that the hairy beasts
  • would be benefit from being returned to the wild. Mr Klinger booked a flight to Malaysia and would spend 8 weeks trekking through the jungles of Borneo. The majestic beauty of the
  • flight to Borneo was that there was a very special stewardess on that flight. The stewardess was Janine Garafalo. Mr. Klinger would never reach Borneo because
  • of the tropical storm, gathering above Indochina. Klinger hated flying. Janine hated passengers who hated flying, so she kept to the airline guidelines and
  • directed Klinger to the door of the plane. "Have a goof flight Sir." Janine said and pushed Klinger out into the tropical storm. The crowd applauded silently, as Janine looked hard
  • At the audience, who was too worried about Klinger getting caught in the cyclone, without a shelter. Janine sat down at the table and wrote her memoirs, at least the first volume.


  1. Flopp Apr 30 2016 @ 03:43

    Ain't nobody got time for dat. - Janine 2016

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