The dust that gathers under your bed is a

  • The dust that gathers under your bed is a mix of human hair, skin, soot from air polution & interstellar dust. It must have been some complex organic molecules from space combined
  • with a tiny leak in my waterbed that recreated the primordial soup of genesis. A spark of static from a bunny slipper against the metal bed frame was the catalyst that brought
  • all of these elements together one night while I was fast asleep, cuddled up to my...well, (cough, cough)never mind. I heard faint peeping from under my bed at first, but then a
  • gradual crescendo of peeps. Peering under the bed, I saw the problem immediately - someone had opened a portal to a chicken farm, and the baby chicks were filing one by one
  • . The chickens entered under his bed through the chicken farm portal, his floor was covered in a yellow carpet of baby chicks. And his cat, Salamander, had the time of his
  • life, running and pouncing and chasing the balls of yellow fluff. Salamander the cat was just about to eat one when he remembered the portal through which more chicks were coming
  • He glared towards the blank swirling circle temporarily witholding a prize so valuable not even a ball of yarn could match it. The yellow fluff balls started flying out, Salamander
  • (literally) dropped his tail in fear. He scampered back from the vortex and dove for cover under a
  • gargantuan sun-dappled stone, which protected him. Still twitching, his fallen tail was sucked into the hungry void however: slurp! Perhaps he could get a new one someday.
  • "My butt feels light," he thought. No time to waste on wiggling it - launching out of the yawning abyss, he soared free, flecks of sun wheeling, coursing like joy across his body.


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