Anna was usually a quiet girl. She was always

  • Anna was usually a quiet girl. She was always the one sitting in the back of the classroom taking notes or doodling in her notebook. Today was different. She
  • started streaming randomly at passers by. Anna screamed the most inappropriate things at people. To an elderly man clutching his over-inflated colostomy bag, she
  • swung the Lacrosse stick and scooped up the aged-man's colostomy bag, Anna whipped the stick in a wide arc, launching the bag like a steaming, rippling missile over the heads of th
  • e referees who were huddled in a corner of the field smoking reefer. Dean Majestik arrived at just the wrong time; the colostomy bag struck his face and exploded, splattering waste
  • into his eyes, nose and mouth, almost suffocating him as he fell backwards against the bleachers. Unconsciousness was suddenly the newest in thing for him....
  • and six weeks later he woke up trussed up in some dungeon in the Bahamas. To be fair, it was not exactly a dungeon but a nice bungalow but I was tied up on the bed with an IV in my
  • blender. "What are you doing here?" he asked me from the next bed. "Tied up, same as you," I replied. Just then a short woman with a tall hairdo entered the room. "Cocktail?" she
  • offered. I declined. She bent down close to my face & whispered, "Hacksaw?" Minutes later we were both free, thanks to "Beehive Babe" (as we named her). Now we had to find our way
  • to the nearest library. As I looked behind, Beehive Bave waved goodbye. "Be Strong!" she shouted. "And remember, it's at the Humour section." I nodded and smile. The library was 5
  • kilometres wide, so it took me a good 2 hours to walk to the Humour section. I puffed to catch my breath and scanned the shelves. "A-ha," I said, seizing the volume. It was empty.


  1. SlimWhitman Aug 27 2018 @ 16:23


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