"No, you can't", replied Papa Smurf angrily

  • "No, you can't", replied Papa Smurf angrily to the question "Is it ok if I
  • finish your hamburger?" He seemed extremely nervous. I took a closer look at the burger. "Why is this meat so...blue?" I asked with mounting horror. "What kind of burger is this??"
  • "It's a magic hamburger that totally isn't made of rotten moobs," he replied. "You should eat it." Suddenly, LOOK OUT IT'S THE HAMBURGLAR!
  • The Hamburglar rolled up in a lowered candy-painted impalla. He had joined a gang to improve his self esteem and because he had no family network. The Hamburglar had joined
  • The Taco Hell's Angels. A turfwar ensued between his new gang, his old gang the McDemons, and the upstart all female "Wendy's witches". The Harburglar had to prove his loyalty by
  • taking out Jared, that stoolie. "Rubble-Rubble" he sneared and went for the hit. Elsewhere, Col. Sanders, Agent of the KFC, vowed to end this fast food fight. "I love the smell of
  • napalm in the morning," Col. Sanders said, completely missing the irony. He wanted revenge on Neo, but that was another story. He had to reclaim Wendy as his bitch, be-
  • yotch, to use the parlance of our times. For the little freckled pig-tailed trollop had run off with Carl for a little of the old In-N-Out. The Colonel was not amused. He marched
  • the remainder of his company through the Mojave. On the long nights he amused himself by making his men wrestle with coyotes, in the nude. "Such a child I am", thought the Colonel.
  • "As a man, I must put away childish things." But he vowed to keep his childish wonder, as his men coyote-wrestled in the nude under the stars in a dark desert sky.


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