Dr. Ira H. Nodles, pioneer in social media

  • Dr. Ira H. Nodles, pioneer in social media research on FoldingStory established the three Nodles laws: I. the top three folders start ⅓ of the stories and write ⅓ of the folds. II.
  • Folders 4 - 6 flesh out the plots & offer key props, hoping Leaderboard Folders 7 - 10 will provide fold synthesis to prepare for a strong finish. Nodles Third Law (III.) states
  • folders must view FoldingStory Illustrated Vol. 1-3 on YouTube before adding to any story and must check FS's FB page to see there are no new comments. Nodles Fourth Law states
  • things inexplicable to normal wage earners and secretaries. But, the folders must consult the new animations, FS Illustrated Vol 1-3. There's also a swimsuit calendar with Det.
  • McNulty from the Wire, who needs to make extra money now his police career is over. He's basically smiling and wearing a spotty bikini in every shot, the calendar selling only to
  • rich old ladies with cable TV and an addiction to the Home Shopping Network. At $10 per calendar McNulty is not making enough $ to cover his rent much less the upkeep on his
  • brace of mistresses. Cheap gin and powder don't come cheap, as it were. McNulty fretted. He needed to get out of the calendar business and into organised crime. He typed 'mafia' in
  • to the Google search bar. No, a Wikipedia article wouldn't help. He typed "mafia" into the search again and clicked "I'm feeling lucky." But that punk didn't feel lucky at all.
  • Stupid Mafia Wars facebook game. Ah when the lucky aren't so lucky. That punk got what he deserved and wouldn't do that again. He lit a cigarette and put his feet up.
  • Today was the day the Godfather was created.


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