I chuckled. Those furry artists, they'll

  • I chuckled. Those furry artists, they'll never get me. Not with their godlessness or even godliness. I chuckled at the thought, the time had begun. They shall be eliminated here.
  • I picked the first one up & tickled its nose. Then I threw it against my canvas.
  • It made a satisfying red blob in the middle of the canvas. I looked around of other objects to help me create my abstract masterpiece. Those coffee dregs! Blam! Brown rivulets. The
  • painting looked spectacular. I found some cabbage in the refrigerator. After mashing it in the grinder, I dipped my brush in it and painted a couple of green bushes.
  • When my roommate saw what I'd done she gasped. "OMG. I've never seen anyone do 'that' with a vegetable!" My edible paintings soon became a hit with the locals.
  • Soon a cult started around my edible paintings and I was deemed the avatar of their creator god the Original Vegetable Patch and members of the cult renamed themselves after fruits
  • but then decided to go with the seafood theme, they named themselves the Blue Oyster Cult and this is how my paintings, yes, my dang paintings became the centerpiece
  • Of their concert settings. I made a lot of money from it and saved all I could. Now, the light bill is outrageously high and I needed that cash. I trashed my smart tellie, so radio
  • was the only way I could get the dough. I sold all my radios to the fence and paid to make the lights come back on in my house. But I mainly needed those lights for my
  • clandestine surgery practice. To this day Lord Voldemort bears me a grudge because of the face job I gave him in his apprentice days during a blackout. Is it really that bad?


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