The year was ADR3498 and the old republic

  • The year was ADR3498 and the old republic guards were worn out from the constant battles that had taken their toll over the last two millenia. Many had come and gone.
  • But the clone of Andred was still part of Command Junta. He had long given up thinking in terms of good and evil. When the Tardis began to fade into view he was waiting together
  • with the Marvum 24 on a soft-speak tripod. He'd installed the "Intelligence Protocol" into the gun. The profile was Gunnery Sergeant. He and the gun whispered while they waited
  • for Kennedy to drive by. He was a time cop. The Kennedy-Clinton clan may have stopped Oswald, but he was here to make sure history stood. The grass itched his elbows. There!
  • He spied the red and white baseball cap he was looking for. Carefully, he took aim. When the wind abated, he knew it was time to take the shot. He exhaled, and squeezed the trigger
  • just as he had been trained. Through the scope, he saw his target's head explode. He sent the text: "It is done", packed the rifle, and drove quietly away. He never saw the
  • Man who watched in the shadows, his ice blue eyes following him as he left, seemed oblivious to the black cat that
  • followed him. This was no ordinary black cat however, for she was able to speak. She followed the man in the shadows in hopes he would lead her to her princess who had been lost
  • 7 lives ago. With only one left (one she lost in that unfortunate escalator accident) she would need to be careful and make sure the man in the shadow didn't
  • see him. The man did indeed see him. He pulled out a rocket launcher and blew the cat's head off. darn. all he wanted was a cheeseburger, he thught as he went of to kitty heaven.


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