“Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me

  • “Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you?” said, Robert Reich to Bill Clinton.
  • "Speak softly and carry a big stick", Clinton retorted. "Or as we say in Little Rock: Mine is bigger than yours!"
  • Bush Sr. smiled sheepishly at Clinton and placed another log on the fire.The ex-presidents camp outs were wearing him down. Carter was singing "Kumbaya" and Junior just arrived.
  • Meanwhile, Nixon was contemplating on how to cover up his recent smores scheme; this ex-presidents' camp out was boring him, so he might as well create some drama...
  • Bebe Rebozo, his old buddy, invited him to Florida. Together, they folded some very good stories in their retirement. Nixon made his own meanie martinis, since the butler died.
  • It would be years before he realized he was making them wrong but by that time his liver didn't care anymore. The spleen was still silent on the matter but we had expected that.
  • We are the bottles in Kevin Sostish's home bar.He'd hit the Seagram's pretty hard. Grey Goose was still nearly full when Kevin attended his first AA meeting & came home to smash up
  • our happy home in the liquor cabinet. The Seagram's, still smarting with how hard Kevin had hit him the night before, suggested that we fight back. "Are we mice or we booze?" he
  • slurred profoundly. Unfortunately for the Seagram's (and due to an embarrassing incident in the brewery), he was both - a fact Kevin would note upon their next meeting. As it is,
  • he was altogether a walking mass of contradictions. He was a man who had given up yet still kept going, and had a million and one thoughts about nothing at all and everything


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