I tried writing stories that rhymed, but

  • I tried writing stories that rhymed, but it didn't quite work every time.
  • For no rhyme can be as prime as a poet who writes for no dime.
  • Dare I swear it in my garret that to merely parrot like a ferret. Better to merit and grin and bear it.
  • Or metaphorically compare it to a 24-karat that you bought a mamacita who refuses to wear it.
  • Yes, by contrast it was quite the opposite. She loved her new Simple Silverâ„¢ jewelry, and wore it every day to commemorate our third wedding anniversary. She wasn't a fan of fancy
  • feast cat food but that's what her husband demanded for his post-sex meal everyday. They'd been married for three years and so she still overlooked his oddities because
  • she'd won a lifetime supply of cat food as a parting gift on a game show, despite being allergic to cat fur. She begged and pleaded for a different prize, but Pat Sajak laughed
  • and said "The cameras are off so take what you got and get out." He wasn't nearly as nice when the little red light on the camera went dark. Well screw him I was staying. Hey it's
  • MY damn party and I'll cry if I want to! And besides, they couldn't get rid of me! I couldn't be missed, since I was the only one who could method-act the search for Indiana Jones'
  • lost socks! Only a true star could make *that* interesting. So I took to the stage, defiant till the end... and I dodged those tomatoes until the curtain fell.


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