I'll tell you a secret story if you promise

  • I'll tell you a secret story if you promise you won't tell anyone.
  • When I was a young boy, nobody loved me, except for another boy named Eshemel. He had very fair hair, and big blue eyes. Me and Eshemel were constantly together.
  • Until that fateful day that I've managed to suppress all these years. As for Eshemel... well he can't suppress anything anymore. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
  • The day that I lost the most important person in my life. I had gotten up, gotten dressed, and walked to work with Eshemel as I usually did. But when we arrived, something strange
  • Was happening in the fruit department. You looked closer and saw Turtles were pouring out of the melons. Thousands of them falling to the floor in a great mass of turtle force!!!!!
  • They were the new impertinences for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. They weren't teens yet so for now they were just learning. Why they were training in the fruit aisle however..
  • Donatello showed off a little & made fruit salad with his katana while juggling a pineapple, a melon, & various other exotic fruits from around the globe. Leonardo not to be outdon
  • e, brandished his sword and bowed to his audience. blindfolded, he proceeded to carve an intricately wrought elephant from a melon. "Behold, the great Leonardo!" exclaimed
  • a heckler from the back row. "How fantastic that Leonardo can carve an elephant in a melon with a sword while blindfolded." He shouted, heavy with sarcasm. "We want to see you do
  • one! Go on, make like a tree! We've had enough of tacky stage magiciansm in this town! With that, Leo was booed off stage and 5 minutes later was on the next train out of town.


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